BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - Jane Hauth has baked and delivered cakes and other pastries to Sumpter Smith Air National Guard Base for the last three years as part of an ongoing charitable effort.
Hauth, affectionately known as “the Cake Lady, has dedicated countless hours baking for the military, police and firefighters.
She takes her mission personally, baking around 58 cakes in a given month. Last year the base here became temporarily operational twenty-four hours a day for an Operational Readiness Inspection. Hauth cooked and delivered enough sandwiches, casseroles and desserts to feed personnel all around the base for four days.
She is part of an organization called Cooks on a Mission, a ministry that prepares food for churches, public servants and local charities. They hold “pop up shops” for the Well House, an organization that provides shelter and support for female survivors of human trafficking. They cook with the women from the shelter, and all the money from the sales goes back to the Well House.
She has never eaten one of her own cakes. “I don’t eat anything I cook… I’m diabetic," said Hauth. "About six months before I was called, my doctor told me to control it with my diet, and I did and then I wound up making cakes!”