Recent Changes Published Sept. 15, 2013 By Master Sgt. Bryan A. White 117th Mission Support Group First Sergeant BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- Every individual on this earth has their own moral code. Moral codes represent the ethics and values of individuals. As a blended society of different cultures, moral codes tend to differ between individuals. These codes may be rooted in Christian values, secular standards or even from a violent upbringing derived from pain and abuse. In order to live in harmony, we must take in to consideration that no two moral codes may be the same. Understanding our differences will enable us to live within a tolerant and functional society. Very frequently we hear of cases where groups feel that they are victims of discrimination due to their individual differences. Over the past two years, there have been several changes such as the definition of marriage, within the DOD. The following are a couple of items that have fundamentally changed the landscape: · Invalidation of the Defense of Marriage Act · Repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" The United States of America is a country that abides by a rule of law. What this means is that our elected officials, acting on behalf of the citizens of the country, pass laws that benefit their citizens. If they demonstrate poor job performance, we replace them in the next election. We abide by these laws or face the consequences. Being part of the Armed Forces, we also operate by fundamental rules and regulations. Due to the recent changes that have been implemented, gay marriage is now allowed. There is to be no discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workplace and equal rights are afforded to all couples. How do we cope with all the recent changes? The answer begins with understanding that all individuals are unique. Differences should be understood and dealt with in a professional manner. The core values of the Air Force set the standards that we must abide by. In following our rules and regulations, we must understand that discussions of sexual preference should not occur. From a first sergeant's perspective, the best way to resolve this issue is to deal quickly and decisively with any issue surrounding this matter. Demonstrations or acts of intolerance on either side cannot and will not be allowed. The corrective actions levied will be an example to all. Our focus as Airmen should be accomplishing the mission in the most expedient and efficient manner.