Preventive Medicine Published Sept. 26, 2013 By Lt. Col. Edward Jones 117th Medical Group BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- Health promotion in the military has been an important topic for a long time. Servicemember health readiness is a critical success factor in accomplishing the various DOD missions as our country's total fighting force experiences ever increasing demands. Health promotion in our workplace is an investment in our most important asset, the 117 ARW unit members. The main purpose of this "investment" is to influence and encourage the ANG members to pursue preventive measures to avoid the onset or progression of an illness or disease and to incorporate and follow healthier lifestyles. The top three causes of preventable death in the United States according to a 2004 article in the "Journal of the American Medical Association" by Marks, Stroup, Mokdad and Gerberding are tobacco smoking, overweight and obesity and alcohol consumption. It should be noted that effected individuals suffer the inability to function normally in a workplace or recreationally prior to reaching the endpoint of death. Other common problems that people get into that represent preventable medical or lifestyle issues include high blood pressure, high cholesterol and trauma. The purpose of the 117 ARW Health Promotion program is to raise awareness about these common health threats. Force effectiveness is maximized by having healthier ANG members. Please watch for future articles on some of the topics mentioned above.