BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- This month’s Unit Spotlight is Logistics Plans, a section of the 117th Logistics Readiness Squadron! Whether it is cargo or personnel, Logistics Plans (Log Plans) is considered the heart of the deployment control center by managing deployments, getting members ready and out the door into the area of responsibility. Every day is different, every day is a learning experience, and priorities are constantly changing.
“Log Plans encompasses many different programs. Some of the programs we work on are deployment planning and execution, unit readiness, support agreements, war reserve material and base support plans. Training for Log Plans is every day. The big thing we always stress to people is that you can come in with a list of things to do, and within an hour you can shred that list because you have new priorities that come up,” said Master Sgt. Chad Carroll, who has been a logistics planner since 2018.
Log Plans is a primary career. Part of the job is managing the Unit Deployment Managers (UDM) and Readiness Monitors across the wing, and ensuring that they have the resources they need to execute their mission. Log planners need to have strong communication skills, quick thinking and adapt to change and be open to learning every day.
“As a military member, our number one mission is just that, being able to complete the mission both domestically and abroad. The job of our office is to oversee the readiness for the entire wing, ensuring that we meet all the requirements determined by MAJCOM commanders across all Areas of Responsibility. There are multiple tedious steps for each member to be able to go out the door on time and fully qualified. This is in addition to all the programs managed by our office, such as the base support plan, war reserve material, support agreements, deployment processes and that’s just to name a few,” said 1st Lt. Bradley Hyatt, the Installation Deployment officer.
“Log planners are always thinking ahead, planning two years in advance. We have deployed personnel to every area of responsibility,” said Carroll. “Every day is different. It is always an adventure, but it is also learning every day, getting the mission done and setting our priorities.”
“It is like a big puzzle. We have to get all the pieces together and align them. The Log Planners manage the big picture, while others don’t have the same visibility. It is important that we have each piece, so that we can communicate accurately to all entities we answer to. We are responsible to the Wing Commander, Headquarters Air Force and the National Guard Bureau to make sure our readiness is as consistent and accurate as possible,” said Hyatt.
“Together, we can ensure that our Wing is ready, qualified and able to meet the mission, while maintaining the culture of family, happiness and taking care of people. As we come through the gate each day, we all must strive and contribute to moving the needle to the right in hopes that we all have the 117th to call home for many years.”