Get to know First Shirt, Senior Master Sgt. Cedric Hunt of the 117th Air Refueling Wing!
He began his career at the 117th Security Forces Squadron and has been there since he first enlisted in 2006. Around two years ago, Hunt had the opportunity to board for the Security Forces First Sergeant position.
Hunt said one of his favorite memories was successfully completing the First Sergeant Academy to become a First Sergeant and taking on the role within Security Forces. Hunt has been mentoring Airmen since.
“I just wanted to be able to put myself in a position, having deployed several times, to be able to take care of my people, be able to relate to people from different backgrounds and give them guidance,” said Hunt. “Being a mentor from that standpoint.”
When the position for the 117th Wing First Sergeant position opened up, Hunt received another opportunity to mentor and guide other Airmen beyond the walls of security forces.
“My recent promotion and the current position that I am in. When I became a first sergeant, that wasn’t on my mind at all, becoming the wing first sergeant. It was just taking care of security forces so I never dreamed about that position,” said Hunt. “I never dreamed about being, kind of, the face of the base and taking care of Airmen from a broader standpoint.”
“My favorite aspect of this job is the mentoring,” Hunt said. “Being able to help so many different people from different backgrounds and walks of life. People seeking guidance, being a genuine person and being there for people.”