WEBVTT 00:00.554 --> 00:04.054 (gentle orchestral music) 00:06.100 --> 00:07.500 - Hello, 117th. 00:07.500 --> 00:08.870 Chief Allen and I are coming to you 00:08.870 --> 00:13.420 from the historic 117th Air Refueling Wing dining facility. 00:13.420 --> 00:15.650 We wanted to get this holiday season kicked off right. 00:15.650 --> 00:17.750 2020's been a year of ups and downs for us 00:17.750 --> 00:18.583 here on the base. 00:18.583 --> 00:20.230 There's so much of the first part of the year 00:20.230 --> 00:22.510 we were unsure with the COVID-19 pandemic 00:22.510 --> 00:24.130 and how that would challenge us, 00:24.130 --> 00:25.620 not only in our personal lives, 00:25.620 --> 00:28.690 but our installation lives, too. 00:28.690 --> 00:30.470 We kept our vital missions running. 00:30.470 --> 00:32.660 We introduced some new words to our vocabulary, 00:32.660 --> 00:37.500 such as virtual drill, telework, split shifts, 00:37.500 --> 00:41.570 social distancing, and then the dreaded quarantine. 00:41.570 --> 00:42.670 They didn't miss with that. 00:42.670 --> 00:45.740 You got a new commander and a new command chief. 00:45.740 --> 00:47.390 But now as we enter the holiday season, 00:47.390 --> 00:49.380 we've been back full-time fighting force 00:49.380 --> 00:50.720 for almost four months now, 00:50.720 --> 00:53.910 doing our normal drills, flying a normal flying schedule. 00:53.910 --> 00:57.120 We even picked up an extra mission along the way. 00:57.120 --> 00:59.210 Through it all, you've shown why you're the best there is 00:59.210 --> 01:00.830 at what you do. 01:00.830 --> 01:04.550 You persevered, came up with new processes and procedures. 01:04.550 --> 01:07.480 You've taken care of yourselves and others on the base. 01:07.480 --> 01:09.680 It's a testament to your dedication to the mission 01:09.680 --> 01:11.390 and the sacrifices you've made 01:11.390 --> 01:12.960 to keep yourselves and your fellow Airman 01:12.960 --> 01:14.730 safe from COVID-19. 01:14.730 --> 01:16.460 - But we're not out of the woods yet. 01:16.460 --> 01:18.730 As we enter the holiday season, we wanna ensure 01:18.730 --> 01:22.370 that you not only enjoy your well-deserved downtime, 01:22.370 --> 01:25.420 but also take into consideration your health and safety, 01:25.420 --> 01:27.790 as well as the health and safety of your families, 01:27.790 --> 01:29.923 both at home and here at the 117th. 01:30.830 --> 01:33.620 That being said, please remember the following. 01:33.620 --> 01:37.290 Continue to mind social distancing whenever possible. 01:37.290 --> 01:40.510 When not able to social distance, wear a mask. 01:40.510 --> 01:43.763 Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer often. 01:44.760 --> 01:46.950 Avoid close contact with those who are sick 01:46.950 --> 01:48.823 or showing symptoms of COVID-19. 01:49.750 --> 01:52.060 If you are in close contact with someone, 01:52.060 --> 01:54.600 please report it to your supervision immediately 01:54.600 --> 01:55.960 and take appropriate measures 01:55.960 --> 01:58.810 to ensure yours and your family's safety. 01:58.810 --> 02:00.120 And above all else, 02:00.120 --> 02:03.960 if you're sick or are symptomatic with COVID-19 symptoms, 02:03.960 --> 02:05.343 do not come to work. 02:06.320 --> 02:07.730 - Well, despite all those challenges 02:07.730 --> 02:09.680 2020 continues to throw at us, 02:09.680 --> 02:12.820 there's so many things we need to be thankful for this year. 02:12.820 --> 02:15.070 Chief and I would like to send out a special thanks 02:15.070 --> 02:17.500 to those who've been deployed this past year, 02:17.500 --> 02:19.490 those who are deployed right now, 02:19.490 --> 02:20.920 and the families and friends 02:20.920 --> 02:23.220 that give them support and encouragement every day 02:23.220 --> 02:24.980 while they're away serving our country. 02:24.980 --> 02:26.550 We've all earned it this year, 02:26.550 --> 02:30.040 so go out and celebrate hard, celebrate wisely, 02:30.040 --> 02:33.800 but remember our mission begins and ends with each of you. 02:33.800 --> 02:36.290 You're the Wing's most important asset. 02:36.290 --> 02:37.740 Thank you for all that you do. 02:37.740 --> 02:40.377 I hope you have a happy and safe Thanksgiving. 02:40.377 --> 02:43.877 (gentle orchestral music)