WEBVTT 00:01.374 --> 00:04.707 (airplane engine sound) 00:07.930 --> 00:09.360 - Any opportunity to make history, 00:09.360 --> 00:11.080 do an elephant walk like this, 00:11.080 --> 00:12.340 it would be a great opportunity 00:12.340 --> 00:16.180 for the 117th, for Maintenance and Ops, 00:16.180 --> 00:17.750 and the wing as a whole, 00:17.750 --> 00:20.090 because everybody's a part of it, you know? 00:20.090 --> 00:21.030 - Anything more than three is 00:21.030 --> 00:22.390 going to be a unique challenge 00:22.390 --> 00:25.445 to get all those airplanes in the right position, 00:25.445 --> 00:29.060 with the kind of airspace that's going to be required. 00:29.060 --> 00:30.360 - Well, today we watched history 00:30.360 --> 00:32.340 for the 117th Air Fueling Wing. 00:32.340 --> 00:35.080 We witnessed for the first time ever, 00:35.080 --> 00:37.000 a 8 Ship Formation departure 00:37.000 --> 00:39.110 led by Wing Commander Colonel Grant. 00:39.110 --> 00:40.480 - You saw something in Birmingham 00:40.480 --> 00:42.370 that has never happened before. 00:42.370 --> 00:44.250 Eight AKC-135's leaving the ground 00:44.250 --> 00:45.570 in less than four minutes. 00:45.570 --> 00:47.887 On top of that, we were exercising 00:47.887 --> 00:50.490 some of our operational war plans, 00:50.490 --> 00:54.340 and in that comes a guarantee 00:54.340 --> 00:55.173 of our readiness. 00:55.173 --> 00:57.910 - You can get more fuel in the air together, 00:57.910 --> 01:00.280 but also, you got to plan for having multiple 01:00.280 --> 01:02.860 booms in the air if one of them breaks, 01:02.860 --> 01:04.620 especially if you're dragging fighters 01:04.620 --> 01:06.400 across the ocean, for example. 01:06.400 --> 01:07.830 It's not always just a function of fuel. 01:07.830 --> 01:09.160 A lot of times, it's a function of having 01:09.160 --> 01:10.550 redundancy with the booms because 01:10.550 --> 01:11.880 there's only one per airplane. 01:11.880 --> 01:13.630 - Such events that could drive 01:13.630 --> 01:16.760 this sort of scenario could be an act of God 01:16.760 --> 01:19.030 catastrophe coming toward the Birmingham area, 01:19.030 --> 01:21.940 or just any type of immanent threat to the base 01:21.940 --> 01:23.240 and its local populous, we'd want 01:23.240 --> 01:24.570 to get all those airplanes off the ground 01:24.570 --> 01:25.780 as fast as possible. 01:25.780 --> 01:27.810 - Something like that just does not happen over night, 01:27.810 --> 01:29.750 but a lot of planning went into it, 01:29.750 --> 01:31.840 and a lot of coordination went into it as well. 01:31.840 --> 01:33.840 There's fingerprints of 1,100 people 01:33.840 --> 01:35.280 on that project yesterday. 01:35.280 --> 01:37.070 It's not just the pilots, it's not just 01:37.070 --> 01:38.790 the maintainers, it's the people 01:38.790 --> 01:40.733 that are supporting all the folks 01:40.733 --> 01:42.040 that are making that happen, 01:42.040 --> 01:43.690 and there's a lot of folks well outside 01:43.690 --> 01:44.860 of the 117th. 01:44.860 --> 01:46.130 Our aircraft control folks, 01:46.130 --> 01:47.440 our Birmingham Atlanta Center, 01:47.440 --> 01:50.242 when you're putting eight KC-135 heavy aircraft 01:50.242 --> 01:55.242 into the Atlanta Center airspace midday, 01:55.540 --> 01:56.703 it's a big deal. 01:56.703 --> 01:59.620 - It's kind of cool as far as the preparation needed 01:59.620 --> 02:01.700 to get every single jet ready. 02:01.700 --> 02:03.660 All jets gassed, and it shows 02:03.660 --> 02:05.886 our full mission capability here. 02:05.886 --> 02:08.303 (jet sounds) 02:16.766 --> 02:19.599 (take off sounds) 02:28.280 --> 02:30.000 - We started up 32 jet engines 02:30.000 --> 02:31.960 and if you count our auxiliary power units, 02:31.960 --> 02:33.090 that was 48 engines, 02:33.090 --> 02:35.080 and they all kicked off without a hitch, 02:35.080 --> 02:36.840 and we got started in record time, 02:36.840 --> 02:39.730 so I would venture to say it couldn't 02:39.730 --> 02:41.320 have gone any smoother. 02:41.320 --> 02:43.120 - My understanding of the old record 02:43.120 --> 02:45.300 of getting the largest number of aircraft airborne 02:45.300 --> 02:47.019 was five previously, 02:47.019 --> 02:50.170 and so when we saw eight on the schedule, 02:50.170 --> 02:51.440 we thought we could get some good training 02:51.440 --> 02:53.010 out of this and hopefully, 02:53.010 --> 02:54.020 if we can get six airborne, 02:54.020 --> 02:55.654 that beats the record. 02:55.654 --> 02:56.761 If we get all eight airborne, 02:56.761 --> 02:57.960 I don't know that anybody would be able 02:57.960 --> 02:59.960 to touch it ever again.